Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break

Spring break is my favorite time because I get to have my friends come over and I get to have time with my family. My friends and I always have fun when we play together at my house and their house. We almost always play some sort of video games during the time we have. I also get to spend time with my family. Life at my house is rough and that is why I think we will enjoy each other for the first part of the week. I hope my Spring Break will be one to remember.

Monday, March 22, 2010

10 things I would do in my Lifetime

10 Things I would like to do in my life time are...

  1. Get a good job with good pay
  2. Bungee jump
  3. Go to Mt. Everest
  4. Win a spelling Bee
  5. Skydive
  6. Be important to the U.S.A. people
  7. Go to Europe
  8. Snowboard
  9. Go to China and Japan
  10. Travel the world

Changing things

Iwould like to change how I organize and also want to be more flexible. I would like to change the way I organize my stuff. At my school I have trouble keeping my binders and school books, Science, History, and Math, organized in my locker. I also want to be organized at my house with all of my electronics and papers throughout my room. I also want to be more flexible. Not flexible as in physical, splits, but in my mind. I am not very good at being flexible in my mind so I could like to get better.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Money Money Money

In these tough economic times there are some easy ways that you can save money. You can turn off all the lights in your house when you leave, or you can do this anywhere. You can also ride your bike to places that are close to your house, instead of taking your car everywhere. This will help save the atmosphere and your money. DO NOT keep using your credit card if you know you are not going to be able to pay it off. These are just a few reasons how you can save money.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Snowboarder on fire

Even though this is one ugly snowboarder, he is still on fire. I made this picture in Photoshop today. I hope it might give you a laugh.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Children's books

Even though I don't read children's books I still have a favorite which is "Are you my Mother?" which is by Dr. Seuss. I enjoy this book because of the bird which didn't give up. This part inspired me when I was younger (4). I always love this book. YOU should read this book to. It will only take you around ten minutes. This is a very good book.

My Mom

I admire my Mom and Dad because they love me, spend money to buy me things, and they make it possible to go on the vacations that we choose as a family. My parents love me very much even if I do something wrong, which is almost every day. My parents also spend money to provide me with things that I enjoy, including, an Ipod, Nintendo, Game boy, PS2 and a Wii. My parents love me. They also take me to different states and places, including Disney World four times, and Disney Land three times. These are just a few reason why I admire my loving, caring, and fair parents.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


This is what I did today in Photoshop. Isn't this bunny so cute. My teacher said that we could do 3 by 3 instead of 2 by 2. I decided that I will do 3 by 3. This is a bunny that I found in our Photoshop folder.