Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Probably my Last Post.

Dear World,
This is probably my last post because my family is going to shut down my blog. I want to keep going with this blog because I enjoy writing weird and stupid things on my lovely blog. I hope people can tell others to start a blog. Blogs are amazing things. Last of all school is almost OVER!!!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Do you think there is too mluch fighting on T.V.

There is NOT to much fighting on T.V. Your parents already choose what you watch on TV people should choose if it is too much fighting. I love watching TV and I choose what I watch and if I think it is okay for me, and if I think it is too much I get my parents in the room for one episode. There is NOT , I repeat NOT to much fighting on TV. I really do NOT think there is to much fighting on TV.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Soccer is awesome

Soccer is the best sport ever! I am doing soccer this season and my team and I have not lost a game yet. This is the best year ever! The defense is amazing and the offense is awesome. I can't wait until next fall to do soccer again. My team and I have played together for 3 years now.

Friday, April 30, 2010

My least favorite thing out of Money, Power, and Fame

My least favorite thing out of money, fame, or power is probably fame. Fame comes with money and power. The reason why is because I love money and I could buy many things. Power because I love being in charge. Fame doesn't really matter very much to me at all. Fame is just being popular and nothing else. There are so many things more important than just being famous.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My career choices

I would like to be a lawyer, business person, and a photographer. I would like to be at least one of these things because I have the qualities that are good with these jobs. I would like to be a lawyer because others say that I have good leadership. Leadership also goes along with a business person. I would love to be a business person because I like being in charge. Lastly I would like to be a photographer. I would like to be a photographer because I have patience. Patience is a good quality for almost every job you could think of. These are my career choices.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Three people I would take around the world

If I could take three people around the world they would be a millionaire, a translator, and a professional photographer. I would take a millionaire because then I could spend his money instead of my own money. I also would take a translator because them that person could speak for me so I wouldn't need to learn a different language or languages. I would also take a professional photographer because then I don't have to take pictures or buy postcards, I just have a professional photographer to take them for me. These are the three people I would take around the world with me.

Earth Day

People should recycle and stop the polluting the environment because people could save more money and electricity. We should recycle so we could reuse different products as in paper, plastic, and cardboard. People should not pollute the environment because their pollution can cause different animals to die. People need to try to stop other people from polluting and tell them to recycle things that can be recycled.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do you like Monoply?

Look at my picture and see if you like Monoply now. This is what I did in Photoshop. I changed the color from green to black. It is very simple indeed. Try it sometime.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The best time period

The time period that I would like to live in would probably be in 1969. My reason is that it is the year that Neil Armstrong went to the moon. I would be looking forward to Neil Armstrong telling everyone about his flight once he came back. I would be wearing jeans and a t-shirt all the time. The hobbies that I would be doing is probably exploring the depths of history and science and learning all the time. This is the time period that I would love to live in.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The best burrito place

The best burrito place ever is probably Qudoba or Big City Burrito. Their burrito is like completely astounding. It has in it hot beans, melted cheese, and other sides dishes in it. Sometimes they can be spicy, mild. or cool, but I usually like my hot and spicy. Qudoba's burritos are massively huge, but they satisfy your Appetite. These are just 2 of many places that have burritos but Qudoba and Big City Burrito are my favorite places to go to get a Burrito.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Would you rather...

Q. Be someone really short whose last name is Short OR someone overweight whose last name is Skinny?

A. I would like to be short because I might be fast and awesome, Instead of overweight and with my last name skinny. Overweight is so not cool.

Q. Ride in a tight crate for a thirteen-hour plane flight OR with cows in the back of a truck for a two-day road trek?

A. I would ride in a tight crate for a thirteen-hour plane fight because it's better than two days in the back of a truck any day. Plus it's shorter than 48 hours compared to 13 hours.

Q. Wear a bicycle helmet everywhere you go OR carry and open umbrella everywhere you go?

A. I would where a bicycle helmet everywhere I go because a bicycle helmet is so much smaller than that of an umbrella. An umbrella is so big and besides it is open so it is so much bulkier.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My worst injury

One of my worst injuries was not a pleasant experience because I broke my middle finger on my right hand. My finger was almost completely black and blue because I hit my finger so hard. It hurt so bad that I had to wear a splint for 4 months solid. I got bored one day when my finger was black and blue and I got one of my mom's sewing needles and poked my finger. Because my finger was black and blue red blood came out. I didn't even poke that hard. This is my favorite of all of my injuries.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Spring Break

Over my Spring Break I had the most breathtaking time ever. I got to go roller skating, enjoy time with my family, and got an enormous amount of candy. I went roller skating with my friend for her birthday. We had a hullabaloo amount of fun. I believe that she had a terrific time too. I got a full week with my family at my house and it was a complete blast throughout the whole week. My sisters and I got tired of each other quickly. This last Sunday was extravagant because it was Easter. Easter Sunday is a elaborate time to hang out with your family because people can celebrate with others. I got a extremely big amount of candy this year at Easter. My Spring Break was completely astonishing.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break

Spring break is my favorite time because I get to have my friends come over and I get to have time with my family. My friends and I always have fun when we play together at my house and their house. We almost always play some sort of video games during the time we have. I also get to spend time with my family. Life at my house is rough and that is why I think we will enjoy each other for the first part of the week. I hope my Spring Break will be one to remember.

Monday, March 22, 2010

10 things I would do in my Lifetime

10 Things I would like to do in my life time are...

  1. Get a good job with good pay
  2. Bungee jump
  3. Go to Mt. Everest
  4. Win a spelling Bee
  5. Skydive
  6. Be important to the U.S.A. people
  7. Go to Europe
  8. Snowboard
  9. Go to China and Japan
  10. Travel the world

Changing things

Iwould like to change how I organize and also want to be more flexible. I would like to change the way I organize my stuff. At my school I have trouble keeping my binders and school books, Science, History, and Math, organized in my locker. I also want to be organized at my house with all of my electronics and papers throughout my room. I also want to be more flexible. Not flexible as in physical, splits, but in my mind. I am not very good at being flexible in my mind so I could like to get better.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Money Money Money

In these tough economic times there are some easy ways that you can save money. You can turn off all the lights in your house when you leave, or you can do this anywhere. You can also ride your bike to places that are close to your house, instead of taking your car everywhere. This will help save the atmosphere and your money. DO NOT keep using your credit card if you know you are not going to be able to pay it off. These are just a few reasons how you can save money.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Snowboarder on fire

Even though this is one ugly snowboarder, he is still on fire. I made this picture in Photoshop today. I hope it might give you a laugh.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Children's books

Even though I don't read children's books I still have a favorite which is "Are you my Mother?" which is by Dr. Seuss. I enjoy this book because of the bird which didn't give up. This part inspired me when I was younger (4). I always love this book. YOU should read this book to. It will only take you around ten minutes. This is a very good book.

My Mom

I admire my Mom and Dad because they love me, spend money to buy me things, and they make it possible to go on the vacations that we choose as a family. My parents love me very much even if I do something wrong, which is almost every day. My parents also spend money to provide me with things that I enjoy, including, an Ipod, Nintendo, Game boy, PS2 and a Wii. My parents love me. They also take me to different states and places, including Disney World four times, and Disney Land three times. These are just a few reason why I admire my loving, caring, and fair parents.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


This is what I did today in Photoshop. Isn't this bunny so cute. My teacher said that we could do 3 by 3 instead of 2 by 2. I decided that I will do 3 by 3. This is a bunny that I found in our Photoshop folder.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Gun Laws

The second Amendment which includes gun laws should be no stricter than it is because the gun laws right now include that of a background check, and mental "competency". Did you hear about the shooting in Deer Creek middle school? A 32 year old man who got a gun was shooting at that school. That is just scary. Why would someone want to shoot someone at any school? Back to my point, the laws that we have for bearing arms are just fine, because if someone might break into your house with a gun, you should be able to defend yourself against that person or people. Do you see my reasoning? Gun laws are just fine, people just need to see both sides of things.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

10 websites I use

I have my top 10 websites to share with you.

10. Wiki.com
Why I use this you may ask, is because when I need to hurry this is a resourceful tool.
9. Google.com
I use this because it gives me more accurate answers.
8. Apple.com
I use this one because I have a Ipod, and download music.
7. Blogger.com
To post new messages, and to have fun.
6. MSN.com
To e-mail my family and friends.
5. Bassethoundpictures.com
I use this website to look at pictures and photos of basset hounds.
4. youtube.com
To look at dumb videos or watch movies.
3. Football.com
After I watch a football game I look at this website.
2. Powertyping.com
When I get bored or for my Lil sis.
1. ABC.com
To look at Americas Funniest Home Videos.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The giant dog!

Look a giant dog is climbing the Rocky Mountains!!!! Look out a plane is coming. Not really.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Look again!

This is a cat that my friend saw and thought of me and told me about it so I put it in Photoshop. My teacher taught me about how to do it, No Lie! You have to say that it is cute.


I learned how to pixelate a face, NOT! I knew how to do it before but I still have fun! Guess what it is because it is an easy question.

  1. Lions
  2. Tigers
  3. Bears

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Weekend

This weekend was one of my favorite weekends this year because I got to go to a birthday party, it was Valentines day, and I got to play Basketball. I got to play basketball Saturday from 9:00 am to 10:30 am, and then Monday from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Basketball,to me,is a delightful way to pass time. I also went to my friend's 12th birthday which was a active celebration. I believe that everyone had a pleasant time at that enjoyable party. Lastly, I had a good Valentines day because my dad gave me and my sisters each a massive box of chocolate.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My opinions

I have a strong opinion about people and paper. Paper kills trees!! That's a fact! That also includes teachers who give HOMEWORK to students. I, myself, think that people should not use paper and should use something else that is recyclable, and/or more fuel efficient. People don't care about the Earth and what they are doing to the community. People should care about these things.
I also have a strong opinion about schools having not enough after school activities. These are the things that make up a good school. Some schools should have more elective choices. Those are just two out of many opinions that I have about paper and school. Also a good excuse to not do homework is, "I did it in my head, and paper kills trees."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

PSP vs. PS2

PSPs and PS2s are two very good video games and they have many pros and cons.

Product #1
PSPs are like Nintendo but have very different kinds of games.
PSPs are so cool because they are portable, and if you go to game stop they are quite cheap if you get a used one.
A not so good thing is that it's a small screen and it cost a lot of money to buy one.

Product #2
PS2s are like Wii because you connect it to the TV.
PS2s are awesome because they have big screens (depends on your TV)and they have more games to buy.
A bad thing is that they are not portable or cannot play them on the go, and they are expensive.

Even though these video games have their pros and cons they are two very good video games to buy. I would prefer to buy the PSP because they are portable.

Friday, February 5, 2010

wind effect (photoshop)

This picture is from Photoshop. I

made it my self. Do you think it is cool because I so do? It says SAY IT in awesome form. This post took me around thirty minutes to make.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A super power!

If there were any super power I would have to chose from a variety, but my favorite is gravity. The power to defy gravity would be awesome. I would also use it for good. I would use my power for good by using it by stopping kidnappers and robbers. I wish I could use it for my personal gain, but I can't. I would my power for good in the world. I would save people and be the richest person in the entire world. That would be amazing.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This picture looks pretty close to my dog but not perfect. I love my dog but when I see this picture I realize that all dogs are different in shape size or color. That includes people. Each person is different in their own way. I love animals.

Friday, January 22, 2010

My favorite teacher

My favorite teacher was my teacher in 3rd grade. He was the best teacher ever! Except that when you didn't put your name on your paper he might throw it away and give you a zero or he might take 10 points of. It wasn't that bad. One special memory that I have of him is that he used to help me in Astronomy and History. He is still one of my favorite teachers ever.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Welcome to my blog. I enjoy fishing, swimming, soccer, basketball, and volleyball. I also like watching football, and baseball on the TV. During my school day I have history. I really dislike history. History to me is the worst subject ever, I think that because I really, REALLY love science. In class I am so Enniu (bored).


Hi, Welcome